Fig mint julep

Google: “Julep is a mixed alcoholic drink, or cocktail, consisting primarily of bourbon, sugar, water, crushed or shaved ice, and fresh mint.” Today it’s so sunny. I decided to sit in the sun for an hour. Make this julep that my friends have been telling me to try.

I am glad I tried making it. As usual I love to create my own. Here’s is my creation. Of course, I have to freeze a blog of ice. I did that last night. So, when the ice had set. I start gathering my other ingredients. This is for one serving.

This is very straightforward and simple to make. You can make it in larger quantity if you are going to serve friends on Easter Sunday. The drink is refreshing, minty liqueur to my liking. I enjoy it. Let’s rock the ice!!!!


4 plum figs, cut into bite size
30 ml orange juice
1 small stalk of mint leaves
10 ml plum liqueur
crushed ice cubes


1 plum fig, cut into tiny bit size
mint leaves
ice cubes bits


Pound a blog of ice into small pieces with mortar and pestle. Spoon some onto bowl and put back in fridge. The remaining into tall glass and put in fridge. Add figs, orange juice, and 1 stalk of mint leaves into the Nutri Bullet.

Then add the bowl of ice in to the Nutri Bullet. Blend till fine. Squirt molasses onto the fine fig mixture and pour plum liqueur too. Stir to blend well. Then pour into the tall glass. Garnish with cut figs and mint leave. Serve immediately. Enjoy!!!!!

Note: You can just use mint leaves only. You can use any fruits of your choice. You can use lemon or lime or apple cider. For the alcohol you can use bourbon, Grand Marnier, Masala wine, Gin & Tonic, Tawny port, Sherry or fruits liqueur.

You can shave the ice if you have ice shaver. I don’t have so I use Nutri Bullet. Increase the amount if you are making for more people.
