Soupy vegetables pot pie

Here’s another creation of vegetables pot pie. This is a cheat trial and error of making vegetables pot pie with soup. Learning to make design on my puff pastry. It’s also something of me. Craving for vegetables pot pie and yet also craving for soup at the last minute.

I didn’t buy extra mushrooms to make mushroom soup, but I found a can of mushroom soup in my pantry. Next time will make the mushroom soup. Right now, I will just use can mushroom. It’s a life saver to have a couple of canned soup in my pantry.

I have combined canned mushroom soup and to finished off the vegetable stock, so I added in. Got the craving that I have been craving for. This is a hearty, comforting and delicious meal. Let’s bake!!!


1 sheet of puff pastry, bought, cut to make design
2 medium carrots, cut into bite size
1 leek, cut into bite size
1 red capsicum, cut length wise
1 packet baby spinach, wash and dry
1 punnet Swiss mushrooms, sliced
1/2 packet  tomato cherries medley, halves
1 can mushroom soup
1 can of vegetables stock, using the can mushroom to measure
1 small packet of brie, cut into small cubes
About 8-10 strips of sun-dried eggplants
2 handful grated parmesan, and mozzarella, cheese
1/8 c of parsley, chopped finely
1 strip of spring onion
5 Tbs corn flour
1 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
1 Tsp garlic minced
olive oil
1 egg to brush pastry, lightly beaten


Preheat oven 190 degrees C.  Par-boiled leek, and carrot in microwave. Drain and put straight into a big oven proof bowl. Then add mushrooms, capsicums, eggplants, spring onion, parsley and spinach. Toss to mix the vegetables.

Next add garlic, oil, salt, pepper, Worcester, mushroom soup and vegetables stock. stirring and mixing them together with vegetables. Sprinkle corn flour and cheeses; mix again to coat vegetables and soup.

Cut with sharp knife to make design on dough. Then cover the vegetables and soup. Brush dough with egg. Bake for 35 – 45 minutes until pastry is golden brown and soup is bubbling and comes out on to pastry a bit through the holes on pastry. Leave in oven for 10 minutes, switch off oven and with door close. Serve with bread and a glass of sweet white wine.

Note: Oven temperature vary. You may need less time or more. You may omit the soup or just use thicken cream or milk. You can use any vegetables you like.
